The Great Escape: South Africans Seek Refuge in Zimbabwe amidst ANC Election Win. In a bizarre turn of events, South Africans find themselves at the crossroads of destiny as the ANC emerges victorious in the 2024 elections. Business economists are shaking in their boots, predicting a downward spiral mirroring the fate of Zimbabwe, a scenario many South Africans had never fathomed. The burning question on everyone's mind is: where will South Africans flee across the border to escape the impending doom of poverty, decay, and perpetual corruption. The stage is set for an exodus of epic proportions as citizens ponder their escape routes. It seems that the grass on the other side of the Limpopo River is looking increasingly greener. But is it really, or are South Africans merely trading one set of problems for another? In a comedic twist of fate, some citizens are considering making the ultimate sacrifice by seeking refuge in none other than Zimbabwe. Yes, you read that correctly – the ...