South Africans Are The Only People To Decide The Fate of Our Political Landscape… We need a different plan for South Africa all together, to create an equal opportunity and fair distribution of wealth and job opportunities for all our legitimate citizens. Those who are in positions of power and authority should do something right for the first time for the country and alter the cause of history in the hands of the failing ANC. We can conform to complacency and become redundant as a people; or we can begin to challenge convention – through an intelligent conversation or; we can move against the grain to save the country from calamity, corruption and junk status – even let it R.I.P. Is The Country S.A. Also Part Of The Curse By The Gods? This means we become a replica of Zimbabwe and those ailing African States that are facing similar challenges of leadership malnutrition to visual impairment to read the future and save themselves from their own self-engineered demise. The...