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South Africans Are The Only People To Decide The Fate of Our Politics

South Africans Are The Only People To Decide The Fate of Our Political Landscape… We need a different plan for South Africa all together, to create an equal opportunity and fair distribution of wealth and job opportunities for all our legitimate citizens. Those who are in positions of power and authority should do something right for the first time for the country and alter the cause of history in the hands of the failing ANC. We can conform to complacency and become redundant as a people; or we can begin to challenge convention – through an intelligent conversation or; we can move against the grain to save the country from calamity, corruption and junk status – even let it R.I.P.

Is The Country S.A. Also Part Of The Curse By The Gods?
This means we become a replica of Zimbabwe and those ailing African States that are facing similar challenges of leadership malnutrition to visual impairment to read the future and save themselves from their own self-engineered demise. The question we should ask ourselves, is that - Are we a country that is decapitated and disillusioned by deteriorating ANC demoralizing morality and impoverished ethical human values in the unfolding chronicles of Gupta-Gate political scandals?
 access art exhibition here
We need more than a miracle for a complete change in political justice against leadership malfunction to get the country in good order. The role of “messiah” to remedy our country’s predicament is something to be considered an impossible dream to fathom. The corruption viruses incurred by The ANC will never take us forward anytime soon. We must forge a different path to find an alternative solution that will transform everything from scratch to the glory we’ve all wished to experience. “A world of Shangri-La” conceived as a place of Freedom and Prosperity after 1994. Perhaps, a new political party fresh from the ground up is what is needed right now to save ourselves from this annihilation.

We Share The Same Dilemma And Fate Of Africa's Moral Degeneration!
South African black folks have a dilemma and a challenge to deal with reality of ANC corruption nightmare. Let alone the after effects and the hangover of a honeymoon and the intoxication of a long overdue delusional democracy since 1994. It is time for ALL South Africans to wake up and smell the coffee. Since the inception of S.A's democracy; it has become a habit for the ANC government and our people to tolerate excuses of poor performance in all sectors of SOE’s service deliveries and optimization of resources to govern effectively without failure to their mandate to account to the nation.

They shun taking responsibility for poor and bad decisions to own up to their actions for lack of discipline in their workplaces, and notch up performance of standards to meet the country's economic output expectations. Our government is suffering from the terrible mental paralysis of self-denial and uses its incompetency to pretend they're in control. Reality is that - they don't know what they're doing and have their brains and faculty of reason twisted in a knot.

As if complacency is part of governments' job descriptions and their 30% Government Output  "Performance" Target Results is The National KPI's standards setup by parliament to measure the countries IQ to CONTROL and to limit our skills and talent potential. How on earth can this country compete internationally, with such low expectations and poor output drive and determination to excel?
 access art exhibition here
How else can we create jobs and improve the economy when our government policies are structured within two opposing and conflicting ends of Socialism and Capitalism? It's like almost spiting sweet venom to wealth creators where unions and the public servants demand high wages and perpetuate labor unrest to stall production and service delivery outputs. The public sector is oblivious of its responsibility to the tax payers and typically defies simple principles of free enterprise systems' role in the supply chain of a free market economy?

Leadership Is An Attainable Scope of Learning - If The Student Is Willing & Teachable 
My thinking has always been that if “you can't run a simple business like a Spaza Shop that requires a business skill and expert hand-holding. How can you even begin to run a city like COJ or TSHWANE”. Let alone successfully account profitably to SOE like ESKOM and the SAA? ANC cadres don't possess any skills or experience nor moral obligation in issues of running a prosperous enterprise like Mr. Richard Maponya, Dr. Mutsunyane, Kaiser Motaung, or Mr. Herman Mashaba's of Black Like Me Enterprise, to deserve the power they hold in their misuse.

Today black people in South Africa claim to be free but, most of them live in poverty and strife, unemployed and in dire straits. South Africa’s education system is designed to produce educated slaves, who have been deprived the ability to turn their talents into creative and thriving enterprises that have nothing to do with Government Tenders.

My biggest issue with The ANC's mentality and their lack of discipline more than anything else; -They’ve left our borders loosely wide open to every Dick – Tom & Harry to come in and do as they please. Foreigners are a big problem and exacerbate our national crisis and resources. South Africa’s education system and health care services including job prospects has already collapsed.
 leadership role is teachable
I Challenge Anyone Who Has Guts & Balls To Take Me On - With These Issues
  1. Legal citizens, in other spheres of our economy are vulnerable to commit crime, because resources are dwindling. A majority of these foreign nationals are not documented. 
  2. It has nothing to do with xenophobia, it is simple and plain. When I was in Botswana raising funds as a political activist "artist" for South African political refugees
  3. We were contained in a refugee camps and there was a curfew time, we obeyed foreign laws of Botswana and respected their places and spaces. 
  4. The same applied to the Swaziland Government strict foreign laws and policies. They applied their laws and rules with the strictest of measures, if you disobeyed them there were consequences. 
  5. Why is South Africa playing Jesus and Savior to baby sit the rest of Africa at the expense of the constitution and the suffering of our own people? 
  6. Can South African citizens do the same in foreign countries in Africa? Foreign nationals should DO to their own countries what June 16, Soweto Student Riots did to the South African National Party in 1976 to liberate the country from Apartheid. 
  7. They should learn to fight their own battles and face their own music, instead of become cowards, to use political asylum for sympathy to run away from their own responsibility, even if it asylum seeking was not the case. 
  8. The time I spent in incarceration in 1978 in solitary confinement for my political activity and contribution in the struggle was not in vain. I expect to benefit and enjoy the fruits of my contribution and not otherwise. 
  9. I should earn accolades and acknowledgements of recognition for the work I did on behalf of our political achievement.
  10. The torture I also suffered and undergone for the struggle for all South African citizens is not something to be taken very lightly. 
  11. And I speak from authority and vantage point because I have paid the price to liberate this country. Beyond that my businesses are not Funded or are part of any government tender or corporate sympathy support to boost small Black business initiatives. 
  12. No, I'm still a victim of small business marginalization from both government and Big business. Yet, the battle to liberate myself financially is not over and I will not give up until; one day eventually someone gives me the Selling Price "Quote" to take-over and buy Gauteng Province. It's just a matter of time before roles are changed and I am on the drivers seat. Where what goes around will come around.
  13. I continue to fight the economic battle for marginalized entrepreneurs and communities who are not benefiting from The ANC's economic  and social development programs because i'm not card-carrying member of their underground "nepotism society" -Today Click HERE access art exhibition here
We Can Only Do For All - What We Can All Wish For One!
If the country is heading towards a wrong direction common sense tells me that people should do something to change events. To grow is to change. Change is good and change is always inevitable. As people we must take a leap of faith and risk our dignity and pride so that we can enjoy benefits of our brave positive stand into the unknown world of wonder and maze. To discover the mystery that lies beyond our perception of change. Begin to see life of unlimited possibilities and a new world we never thought change can bring to our current painful existence and circumstances. If a couples’ marriage ends in a divorce, this is a perfect sign of relationship decay. Formalizing a divorce to separate a bad relationship does not constitute a criminal offence.

So, is changing lanes when driving on the highway to prosperity. Life is about moving on and overtaking our fears and demons, on the road side of adversity. To reach our destination safe and sound, we must be brave and stubborn to anticipate victory over any defeat. South Africans should learn to approach challenges as they’re and pretend it’s someone else’ tale of a roller coaster ride and not our own. God bless South Africa and all people who are proactive and willing to take positive stands in dealing with adversity to conquer fear with courage and a deep personal spiritual conviction.

Our Collective Contributions And Personal Productivity - Is The License To Resuscitate An Ailing Economy 
Back in Botswana in 1997, I held an art exhibition through The "TUKA Foundation" to help Black African student refugees cross the country to escape from B.O.S.S. My art works and paintings were housed at the Russian Embassy to be auctioned for this purpose. The fundraising campaigns helped political activists from all walks of our political spectrum i.e. ANC; PAC; SASM; UDM; South African Student Congress and many others leave the country.

 Access my art exhibition here
More of these paintings can be found here to assist worthy causes in uplifting our communities. When people come together to a constructive conversation proposed by Mr. Herman Mashaba's," The People's Dialogue "  it is about change and seeking solution to help one another in times of crisis and despair to uncover our common humanity. I consider myself to be a huge asset to my country ever since 1994 for becoming an instrument of this change which the nation is, desperately seeking. What I don't understand is that - What’s holding South Africans back to do the same in resolving our national problems? My art is a hobby and not a career since 1974 until today!

Artist   - Art Exhibition
Magazine - Publisher
Coach | Author | Podcast Producer  


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