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Planning Your Radio Podcast Recording Approach

It is vital for Pastors and Ministers to prepare and plan their Believers Chat Room Radio Recording sessions in good time before they book an appointment. The Video below will attempt to elaborate important aspects of our recording before the meeting takes place. Please watch it carefully the tips on how to go about it not only to save time and money. But, to make an interesting final PRODUCT that will make you and our listener come back for more.
Important Consideration Of Your Plan
  • The logo of your Church or ministry is a perfect branding image that people will always remember and recognize as your signature label when they open and search or receive your Podcasts via our WhatsApp Group database. Our Network Broadcasting Platforms will also display it.
  • Secondly the title of your talk or sermon and how you phrase it will attract listeners to choose it because it relates to their search and appeals to their important need on that particular topic or talk you will be presenting. Be precise and distinct when giving your topic a title.
  • Thirdly! You need to be you and no other person, your congregation loves you and likes you the way you are. You don't have to be someone else to even attract new listeners.
  • So! Speak to us the way you've always done in the language we can understand or relate to. Whence our African languages are dynamic and your flair of delivery should not change just because you're recording for a Radio Podcast.
  • Timing your presentation to a minimum of 30 minutes or 45 is part of our program plan to produce an effective recording of each episode to meet our minimum standards required by these streaming partners.
Current researchers argue that the average attention span of American adults has dropped and it is limited to 20, 10, or even five minutes.Jun 12, 2014 

This means that you have to try and be as effective as possible and dynamic as hell in delivering your message to make an impact to the listeners. We don't doubt the fact that you are made for this kind of work and you can showcase and bring the best in you.
However, know and bear in mind that people get bore very easily. Their minds are always jumping from one thought to the other, and can easily move to something else that distracts their attention. You have to grab their attention as tight as possible until they finish and get to the end of your scripture.

Four Episodes a month is a reasonable goal for any minister to target their message and execute the task easily if your focus is to concentrate your gospel on a specific "topic". This also allows us time to streamline your message to different platforms to accommodate their uploads and streaming capacity schedule.

Setting Up An Appointment To Record
When you are ready to come on board then you can call us at -083 928 8165 to book your appointment so that we can schedule the best suitable times for recording your episodes . This will also depend on our calendar and availability of dates. Don't waste time do it as soon as you can to avoid being scheduled late towards the end of 2019. The earlier you prepare yourself and book your recording sessions the better!
Enjoy and have fun doing what God chose you to do!



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