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Conquer Your Fears To Trade with Adversity Or Show Your Readiness To Lead By Example

Conquer Your Fears To Trade with Adversity And Show Your Readiness To Lead By Example. Life is music you can dance if you want to or you can cry also if you wish to. – Both are good for the soul and your well-being. How you feel right now depends on how deep you want the day and events to play out in your life. Turn the music in your heart on or pretend creation will not revolve without you Alive. The choice is yours let your heart speak for itself if you can’t.

You can conquer the storm and the deep rivers of adversity or you can swim with confidence into the beauty of life’s divine trials and tribulations! Your chosen path can open your eyes for light to shine on you with profound understanding, when hope becomes your last resort. Love and Hate or Fear and Hope are betwixt and cannot be separated. Duality of existence is what makes you think they are different.

So! Why Separate Them And Give Each One Authority Over The other? What Is The Fuss?

  • Life is a canvas where individuals can draw the landscape of their dreams and visions to a beautiful Kaleidoscope of their own grand designs. 
  • You have to “BE” alive to remain in control of your destiny to leave behind the footprints of your positive or negative actions within this space of your existence.
  • Rain or Shine! This is the order of creation and how it was meant to operate. Life is not supposed to be easy. Otherwise we wouldn't be alive in the first place. To test and showcase resilience of our human DNA.
  • Love it and you can dance with the wolves to prove you’re human. – Then you become adventurous to explore life’s unchartered dangerous limitless possibilities. 
  • Hate it and your courage will die and dissolve slowly like ice melting from the heat of the Sun. This will stifle and destroy your potential to go beyond your true God given capabilities. 
  • Live your life around the laws of nature and the universe or oppose it and you deny yourself simple blessings to see dilemma as an opportunity, and not a curse.

You are the captain who has the power to steer your ship in the direction for which you want to travel.  You can bring love and adversity “together” into your fold. If you so wish or you can climb a mountain and dance your way to happiness. This way you conquer your fears and face your demons to reconcile your hopes and fears, thus show your readiness to lead by example.

However, Ways You Look At Your Daily Challenges And Situations In Life.

There Is Always A Solution. 

Think of your life as, a blank encyclopedia. Every day when you wake up you should decide on the outcome of events and how you want the end of the day to finish. A happy ending of your day can sometime be a misleading comedy of errors! Something you can laugh about when you reflect on the days' anticipated results. At times you can choose to remain sad if events in our society go lawlessly wrong. The choice is yours.

A bad day however; does not necessarily imply bad decisions on your part; even if it wasn’t that great or a Super Day. It simply means your choice of events was poorly managed and controlled by someone else other than you.

Look Beyond Your Limitations.

Good or Bad choices have impeccable significance to the “overall” outlook of your life and its consequences. Every person reacts differently to similar outcomes from another individual’s circumstance. However, begin to write every episode and pages of your life -like an artist who draws inspiration from scenes and events around his environmental landscapes.

Do not fear to venture into the unknown. 

You can view life as a roller coaster entertainment “Joyride”, with you in charge; or you can view it as a disaster waiting to happen when you pass on your responsibility over to others. 

Be in control and take charge of things- Do not wait for things to happen!

Make things happen, the world needs pioneers like you, who walk the path of dark alleys without a radar, only to show them light at the end of the tunnel.

Let light find you strong and ready when your morning breaks. And hope stretch your wings and warm your arms wide to start flying.

Fear is a term commonly misunderstood: It stops weak people from seeing the horizon and dawn of life's new possibilities.

It stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real“. Each time when fear engulfs you.

You become frozen because your short-comings are measured by other people’s standards and yard-stick instead of your own. – 

Live Each Day To Conquer Small Challenges - And Commit Yourself To Positive Long-Term Causes

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Your confidence is conflicted and consumed by your poor belief system and self-image. Because your life is idle or held ransom by friends, relatives and superstitions. Your personal conviction is shaking and blurs your vision to see beyond your limitations. The pages you write about your life each and every day attract forces of nature that will determine how your “Chapters” and “Book-of-Life” is going to end.

This is because you do not document and write down or keep a gratitude journal, of the past blessings God had bestowed on you and your family. To remind yourself of the steps you've taken to prove you've walked on this Earth. A legacy you'll leave behind which every future reader and potential seeker of truth can refer to; when faced with similar road blocks you've traveled and conquered with courage and bravery.

Your book of trials and victories will become a blueprint of survival teachings. A perfect solutions for your followers and learners, "how-to-cope" with challenges in their own journeys of life. 

We all must live to tell tales of survival. While winners dare to thread difficult terrains with strange obstacles, by showing us that life is God's special classroom. Every human being is tested and everyone must try their best to pass with flying colours. Lest we fail Him (God) dismally because, we all were cowards and betrayed society to take full responsibility to lead. To lead is to become an symbol of hope to those who are in despair and pain, fighting a terrifying state of hopelessness. Why give up now? Tell your story while you can..

The Sign Of Giving Up Too Soon - Is Called Despair And  Hopelessness

When you're dead and gone. Your obituary might have a poor evidence of people’s reflection of you with their diluted under-rated views or biased opinions of you. It will not be the true story or representation of YOU. So! Write what is truthful about you right now while you’re still alive. Leave no blank pages for anyone to distort the truth about you, because you did not "give up too soon".

Since we all live on borrowed time! You can conquer any storm and deep rivers of adversity. Or you can complain about how bad the current situation is. Yet, life has alternative options to resolve any types of problems you will encounter. 

  • Our attitudes and platitudes can magnify or demystify the state of affairs we choose to find ourselves in. In this case you can entertain or try to make improvements to challenge any misfortune or mishap you face to resolve any issue that affects your life as we speak.
  • What I've found healing to my challenges is; making a difference to someone else' life. Taking ownership to reach out and to extend my personal help to those who seek my support.
  • I have discovered a life changing encounters that has transformed my life with meaningful reasons and aptitude to keep doing things right, when everything goes wrong. 
  • I began to reach out to people and small businesses less fortune than I am. To help them solve their problems using my knowledge and skills at no cost. 
  • Somehow, it made me and them feel valued, right, satisfied, happier, better and healthier every time we reach a resolve to our common plight.

This chance and the opportunity to make things right for you is "Now". Also try to reach out and help someone selflessly to experience an inexplicable and profound positive effect. See how this will change and fill your life with a divine meaningful purpose. 

This active commitment of duty to others will bring out the best in you. It will make you conquer your fears and face adversity with confidence to become a  true leader God wants you to be. So! Keep your journal up to date relevant to every obstacle you overcome. So that, others can benefit from your profound experiences of victory over defeat.

Remain blessed

Mr. Isaac Khonjelwayo

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